Friday 5 January 2024




This shows how he was in the tomb {grave} for 3 days and 3 nights , Jesus Christ himself told us what would  happen when he die .

now the sabbath is not just the weekly sabbath, which is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.


There are 3 other sabbaths days every year, and there are 7 feasts of the lord,








I  also believe that the  Wednesday before the Thursday was the lords supper  in which, Jesus said  to the 12 disciples, that one of you will betray me, And they all begin to say lord is it I , this is the supper where Jesus took the bread and broke it and said this is my body .then when he took the cup of wine he said this is my blood which represent the cup of the new testament ,as often as you do this in remembrance of me ,you show the lords death till I come .


then Jesus whisper to judas ,whatever you are going to do ,do it quickly;  so {judas Iscariot} went to the temple where the priests were and said to them that he knows where Jesus Christ will be ,so that they will arrest Jesus ,

Judas did it because he is greedy for money, so they paid him 30 pieces of silver .so a lot of the Romans soldiers . and the priests went with judas Iscariot to the garden where Jesus and the disciples were.

Judas kiss Jesus to identify which of them was Jesus. And they arrested him.

Mark 15 kjv of the bible tells us about the crucifixion


Jesus was arrested and brought for trial, any way a lot happen with peter denied that he knew Jesus. Anyway early Thursday morning about 9am they nailed him to the cross , but he never die until 3pm.







I believe that the crucifixion  of Jesus Christ was on the Thursday and not the Friday .

I believe that the year that Jesus the Christ was crucified, and died,  The bible says that the day of Passover was a high Holy day, it is a sabbaths day, when we see the word {sabbaths}with the letter {s}at the end , it means that it is not the weekly sabbath that is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. I believe that he died on a Thursday and not Friday, I believe  it was a double sabbath back to back.

I believe that  [ that high holy day,] which is the day of Passover happen that year on sunset Thursday to sunset Friday, and we all know that the weekly sabbath is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday, so they would have had to prepared  enough food for that extra day .

So  the day that Jesus was crucified was  on the Thursday, the day of preparation, as they were busy working and doing other things ,and getting things ready for the double sabbaths. After Jesus was crucified and died ,they had to hurry and get him down from the cross before it got dark, which would be sunset.

So he was put into a new tomb that belong to someone else.

Jesus does not tell lies. He said that he would be in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights.

So to do that he had to be in the grave Thursday night, and Friday night, and Saturday night, and it is true that his body came back to life early Sunday morning ,when the holy spirit put back the spirit of Jesus Christ into  his dead body, and he came back to life, And he arose from the dead, and where the angels of the lord God, roll away the stone.


The family tree of Jesus Christ that lead back to king David and right back to Abraham. This is found in the new testament of the holy bible, Mary the mother of Jesus Christ  ancestry family tree ,shows that Mary is a descendant

Of king David. Even Joseph his earth father is traced back to show that his blood line links back to David.


We can all read the gospel  of {Matthew 1}

The whole of the scriptures of the new testament is about Jesus the Christ.

And that every prophets of the old testament ,and in every book is something written about Jesus Christ the  messiah.

So with this double sabbaths from Thursday sunset to Saturday sunset, they were able to celebrate  the day of Passover, and also the weekly sabbath which is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. After sunset Saturday they were free to do work and  to get the things ready that they were going to used to anoint the body of Jesus Christ .that Sunday morning .

If Jesus had been crucified and died on the Friday he would be in the Grave only 2 nights. But God does not lie, and Jesus does not lie.


When they were translating the holy scriptures from Hebrews language to Greek language, then to Latin language. And then into the English language.

Some one saw the word sabbaths and think it is the weekly sabbath which is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.


The whole scriptures was written by all Jewish men inspired by God the Holy spirit. And when  translated into English ,was put into the book named the holy bible





So the day of Passover, was a sabbaths day, which is one of God special day.

God gave us the day of Passover, which is march or April.

 and 50 days later is the day of Pentecost which is in the month of May.

On 2023 the day of Passover  was on Wednesday evening  5  of April to Thursday evening 13 of April, there is like a week of celebration



 And in the evening of Sunday 24 of September  2023  to Monday 25 September  2023  was the  holiest day of the year, which is the day of atonement., this was almost back to back  of the sabbaths days,




God gave the Hebrew people that 3 times a year, every year they are to come and celebrate the is the feast of the lord God, a special holiday. God said when you come before me, do not come before me empty handed,

But put a gift on the altar.

I notice that whenever they needed help from God ,they put a gift on the Altar. They did burnt offering ,and so on ,sin offering and so on . but we are Luckly that since Jesus Christ died  when we need our sins forgiven, we pray to God our father who art in heaven, to forgive us our sins,  in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

In the family tree of {yeshua } Jesus  Christ Mary the mother of Jesus   is a descendant of king David . joseph was not the father of Jesus. Even so joseph was traced back to king David.

When Jesus Christ died ,his body was dead ,but his spirit was alive, the bible said that he went to hell, He was not in the flames of hell fire,

Jesus Christ {YESHUA} told us about a rich man and a beggar. Jesus said the rich man would eat his food and this poor beggar would eat the crumbs that fall off the table, then the time came when the beggar died ,and angels carried him to paradise where Abraham was .

Now when the rich man died he was cast into hell where there is great heat and no water to drink, and the rich man look and he saw a far off the beggar who had died, in the blossom of father Abraham. And he said to Jesus , let the beggar dip his finger into water and come and touch his mouth  to quench his thirst.

Jesus said no, a person cannot go from over here to over there, and someone cannot come from over there to over here because the gulf is fixed.

So the rich man said please let someone go and tell my brothers  to serve the true God.

Jesus said that even if someone from the dead should go and tell them these things, they would not believe. And any way they have the law of Moses.

The purpose of Jesus Christ the messiah going to the place of the dead was to preach to them the gospel of the kingdom,  to Abraham and the righteous dead in paradise, I believe that Jesus lead them from that place where the gulf was fixed, and put them in a more beautiful paradise like heaven.

Sometimes people say that when their love one dies ,that they are in heaven, but they must remember this that the heaven that belongs to the earth, is different from the heaven where almighty God and Jesus lives,


I know that the bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord, if a person dies in Christ  then they will be in the presence of the lord, Paradise heaven would be so wonderful ,as the people who is spirit living a wonderful life, Sometimes a person can have dreams and visions and be in heaven where God and Jesus lives.

When the trumpet of God shall sound ,and the lord will have to sort out the problems of this earth, because the time has come for him to reign as king on earth for 1000 which the devil and the demons of hell shall be cast into hell and hell shall be cast into the lake of fire forever.

So it will be the rapture of the saints, the church that the dead in Christ will rise to meet the lord in the air, before they Go to heaven for 7 years.

On earth will be the tribulation and bad things going on earth. Because of the antichrist,  but at the end of 7 years Jesus will come back to earth to set up his kingdom.

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